
EDIT 6190

EDIT 6190 (Instructional Design) Level: Graduate Delivery mode: in classroom Role: Teaching Assistant (primary responsibility: delivered in-class presentation on Flash CS3; addressed students’ problems and addressed questions. ) Use of Instructional/Multimedia Technology: Adobe Flash CS 3 Click here to view the edit studio website (EDIT… Read More »EDIT 6190

EDIT 6170

EDIT6170 (Instructional Design) Summer 2008 Level: Graduate Delivery mode: Online Role: Teaching Assistant (primary responsibility: grading and monitoring course projects ) Use of Instructional Technology: Horizon Winbar Virtual Classroom and WebCT Click here to view Dr. Rieber’s Introduction to Instructional Design Online course website.

EDIT 2000

EDIT2000(Introduction of Computer to Teachers) Level: Undergraduate Delivery mode: Face-to-face Role: Primary instructor of the course Use of Instructional Technology: Inspiration/Kidspiration, Microsoft Office, iMovie, WebQuest, Microsoft Digital Story, Web 2.0 (Blog, deli.cio.us, wiki, etc.) Course Blog sites: Spring 2007 Fall 2007 Spring 2008 Spring 2009

EDIT 4160

EDIT 4160(Design and Development Tools) Level: Undergraduate Delivery mode: online and in-classroom Role: Primary instructor of the course Use of Instructional Technology: Dreamweaver, Flash, Fireworks, iMovie, Camtasia, Captivate, Moodle, Web 2.0 (Blog, deli.cio.us, wiki, etc.) Sample students’ works: The Schweflerville Scoop Mrs. Burch’s Class Wakeboarding