Working at Georgia Tech, I provide consultations and workshops on selection and use of technology in learning and curriculum design. Sample training materials and workshops include:
- Moodle Site Installation and Course Administration (2020)
- Articulate 360 Knowledge Share (2019)
- Desire2Learn LMS Knowledge Share (2019)
- You Built It But They Don’t Come (2018)
- Creating In-Video Quizzes with Kaltura (2017)
- Build an Online Professional Learning Community
- Understanding NETs-T Standards with TPACK Framework
- Set up Your PLC Site with WordPress
Working on Softchalk Files with Cloud Solution (2013)
How to Convert Math Assignment Paper to a PDF File (2013)
Sync Softchalk Package to Your Local Computer (2013)
How to Use FlowPlayer (2012)
Written Assignment Instructions for Desire2Learn Dropbox Submission (2012)
Course Design FAQ (2012)
- CEISMC Online Course Formatting Standards and Style Guide
When working at TWT (Teaching With Technology) at College of Education and the Center for Teaching & Learning at the University of Georgia, sample training materials include:
Blackboard tutorials for the UGA faculty (2009) (
- Wimba Voice tools and Wimba Classroom tutorials (2009) (
During my teaching at UGA, I also developed numbers of workshops and training materials, such as:
Tutorials for using Google pages and Google sites for course EDIT 2000 (Introduction to Computer for Pre-service Teachers) (2007-2008)
Tutorials of using iMovie for course EDIT 2000 (Introduction to Computer for Pre-service Teachers) (2007-2008)