March 2014

EDIT 6190

EDIT 6190 (Instructional Design) Level: Graduate Delivery mode: in classroom Role: Teaching Assistant (primary responsibility: delivered in-class presentation on Flash CS3; addressed students’ problems and addressed questions. ) Use of Instructional/Multimedia Technology: Adobe Flash CS 3 Click here to view the edit studio website (EDIT… Read More »EDIT 6190

EDIT 6170

EDIT6170 (Instructional Design) Summer 2008 Level: Graduate Delivery mode: Online Role: Teaching Assistant (primary responsibility: grading and monitoring course projects ) Use of Instructional Technology: Horizon Winbar Virtual Classroom and WebCT Click here to view Dr. Rieber’s Introduction to Instructional Design Online course website.

EDIT 2000

EDIT2000(Introduction of Computer to Teachers) Level: Undergraduate Delivery mode: Face-to-face Role: Primary instructor of the course Use of Instructional Technology: Inspiration/Kidspiration, Microsoft Office, iMovie, WebQuest, Microsoft Digital Story, Web 2.0 (Blog,, wiki, etc.) Course Blog sites: Spring 2007 Fall 2007 Spring 2008 Spring 2009

EDIT 4160

EDIT 4160(Design and Development Tools) Level: Undergraduate Delivery mode: online and in-classroom Role: Primary instructor of the course Use of Instructional Technology: Dreamweaver, Flash, Fireworks, iMovie, Camtasia, Captivate, Moodle, Web 2.0 (Blog,, wiki, etc.) Sample students’ works: The Schweflerville Scoop Mrs. Burch’s Class Wakeboarding

Instructional Design

Instructional design is  an ongoing, evolving process. It requires team work, collaboration between different parties, ability of multi-tasking, analytical skills, and creativity. It includes needs assessment, writing, evaluation, graphic design, multimedia development, web design & development, presentation skills, and, rapid learning to almost all emerging… Read More »Instructional Design


I have taught or co-taught a variety of instructional design and development related courses, either undergraduate or graduate level during my doctoral study. The course of Introduction of Computers to Teachers(EDIT2000) introduces not only instructional design tools including productivity, webQuest, Inspiration/Kidspiration, iMovie, and Microsoft Photo… Read More »Teaching

GEN Videos

Working as the instructional designer of the Garden Earth Naturalist project, I designed, taped and edited a series of instructional videos for the curriculum. [hdwplayer id=1] GEN video list 


As online and blended approaches to higher education instruction and learning have proliferated, interest in online assessment has also increased. Assessment has been always a critical issue in educational innovation initiatives such as the move from traditional classroom instruction to online learning environments. The assessment… Read More »Research


Developed with Drupal 7.26, the SLIDER Online Curriculum serves as course material dissemination website. It features the curriculum information in format of video slideshow, Front page high lights, access control by role, single-sign on, and auto registration. When the visitors visit the site for the… Read More »SLIDER